Your handwriting describes personality. Handwriting does not predict future.

Graphology (Handwriting Analysis) is the study of handwriting to reveal your personality. Handwriting is “brain writing” is a universal dictum. Handwriting is the product of mind, body and emotional tendencies.. Your handwriting is Unique like your finger prints and facial expressions. For the graphologist, what you write is not important, but how you write is the main concern, handwriting reveals personality traits hidden in your subconscious mind.

Graphology is widely used universally in education, personality analysis, counselling, marriage and business partnerships/compatibility issues.

Teachers and counselors must learn graphology.
Teachers can use graphology as a quick and easy tool to diagnose behavioural/learning difficulties among students.

learning difficulties among school students

School counsellors can use graphology as an additional tool to diagnose psychological problems, emotional immaturity and delinquent behaviour among students.
Compatibility in: Marriage or Business/Team Building

handwriting sample for compatibility

While choosing your life partner you can always know your mate before it’s too late with the help of handwriting analysis. Handwriting reveals personality. You can know the strength and weaknesses of your spouse in advance and enter your married life with some knowledge and sense of security. Same is in business partnerships you never regret later if you know something about your partner in advance.
Personality Development:
Personal problems mostly personal secrets which are generally stuffed in unconscious mind are reflected in the forms of stress, anxiety, depression, introversion, desperation, fears, angers etc are reflected in handwriting , if you know to read the tendencies reflected in handwriting you can save a lot in your life.
Career Guidance:
In vocational guidance graphology can give you clues to your basic temperaments (personality type) and it can help you choose career accordingly.
Universal Belief systems: If you believe in Dictums like: “You are what think and you are what you speak” then you will start believing in”You are what you write
What Handwriting Analysis does not reveal
Remember always: Handwriting Analysis does not reveal whether:
The writer is male or female/ the writer’s age/ the writer committed a crime/if he/she is left or right handed.
Handwriting simply describes your personality traits. Handwriting doesn’t predict future. Whole world may not accept graphology as a science. Knowledge of Graphology if utilised scientifically can help you have insights about your hidden potentials. Highly experienced graphologist will never point out your negative traits, He/her will help you fall in love with yourself, will always inspire you to know yourself more through your handwriting accept yourself the way you are and broaden your perspective about yourself.
According to the philosophy of healthy handwriting , Real experts of graphology will not judge you through your handwriting; will not simply analyse your handwriting and leave you in a lurch rather he/she must help you open your mind, help you develop positive mindset and instil new confidence in you. Your Handwriting can transform your life. Highly experienced graphologist can help you transform your life.

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